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A New Beginning

Friday, December 24, 2010

Hello people~! I know I've been on hiatus for too long. *grins*
And no, I'm not updating my blog because people asked me to.*pokes*
It's just that I don't wanna let all this go to waste. I'm gonna make this blog better! Improvise a little bit over here and there. haha.

Let's see..updates?

Well, firstly, I'm officially single again. *grins* Don't ask why, 'kay? It's best for the both of us. I don't want to involve the people I love into something they don't know about. Especially the dangerous secrets of my life. I'm happy that for once, finally, a stranger loved me. Could you believe that? Someone I don't even know loving me. The happiest thing about that was she loved me for who I am. And I'm truly grateful for that. I could never exchange that moment of happiness for the world. And truth be said, I love her. I truly do, with all my heart and soul.

About a week before my 17th birthday, I made the decision to part with her. Not because of our flaws, but I could no longer stand hurting her. I realised that love does indeed blinds a person. But in exchange for that blindness, it takes the person to a beautiful world. One seen only through our hearts. It gave me strength to face the things I could never face alone before. Gave me courage to take a leap of faith and stand for what I believe in.

Should I tell what happened previously? I guess I could type the things I wanted to say on my blog, huh?*smiles*
Everything that happened was related to the incident on 'that' day. The day that made its mark in our school this year, everyone was forced to evacuate the school. And only few people were left to handle 'that'. One of that few was me. I could say that 3 people from our class were asked to help because we were the few who were completely involved, and we were in need of one for reliance to stand up against it. The incident on that day marked the beginning of the worst roller coaster ride in my 17 years of life. It also marked the end of my own self. All in all, it was that single beginning which shed a beautiful fervent light upon my heart. One that would save me from drowning in my own thirst for love.

So, we parted a few months after that incident. Since, it relation to me was somewhat severe than any of them. And I could no longer involve the people I love in this. Thanks to that, I fell deathly ill, with a broken heart and a memory loss. Pathetic, right? But I managed to save the person I love from falling with me. At least her, I would save from all this. Afterall, she was the girl I came to risk everything I had to love. After we parted, I met my senior again. She told me this," You lost everything when you fell in love with that girl. Do you wish to still do everything you can in this short amount of time to protect her, until this thing ends? "

Well, you could guess the rest. Of course I did. She even said I was the stupidest guy, who would protect the person he just broke up with. And she smiled when she said that. I guess, you could say that she somehow knew my pain. So, I got it over with ( the remainings of the duh.), gathered what was left of the broken me and went for retraining. I'm still under the retraining right now.

I've decided on something..

No matter how long it takes, whatever it takes. I will keep moving forward with a smile. I'll keep improving myself, until the day comes when I can fully protect the person I love without hurting her.

Well, that's all I guess. I'll update soon about my 'O' level and my holidays. Goodnight people! Sweet dreams, ayte!

waters; 12:35 AM

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Firstly, Assalamu'alaikum.
Dear readers,
As you can see,i haven't been updating this blog for about a month or so.The reason is that my schedules are getting packed and im home late, 6 days a week.Recent news..

Last friday to last Sunday,
It was the most amazing 3 days and 3 nights of my life.Me and all the secondary 4 students went to Sembawang Terror Sea Scout camp.The camp was called MQ,Management Qolbu, conducted by our brothers and sisters from Bandung,Indonesia.

The camp taught me new things that i have yet to discover and understand,it helps me in realising who i am, my reason for being the creation of our Omnipotent God,Allah subhanahu wata'ala.This camp helped me understand the purpose of living on this earth,and the hardships that we must live through to reach the unimaginable heavens with our god and his messengers. And the most importantly,it taught me the meaning of 'ukhuwah',friendship,between our brothers and sisters in Islam.

In the night of the 2nd day, we were called to a self-realising and self-understanding activity.Muhasabah diri as they call it.As the facilitator turned off all the lights and spoke of us,what we had done to our parents,our teachers,our friends and ourselves.What we were supposed to be doing.And what we were supposed to refrain from..Our eyes shed away years and years of regret and resentment,as our hearts give way to realising our sins and mistakes.We hugged each other,begging forgiveness in this unheard darkness.And as we kneeled, and bowed to Allah, we begged for his undying mercy towards us and our parents,our brothers and sisters in Islam and our teachers,in endless stream of tears..Many of us hugged as soon as the lights came to. Our bond,was strengthened by Allah the almighty. Minutes later,white sheets of paper were given to us for a letter to be written to our parents when we return home..

To my beloved parents..

Though words can never repay for what you've done for me,
The smiles that you've always carved on your fragile faces,
Hidden beneath,your tears of sweat and blood just for my sake
Secretly overflows this silent heart,

Mom and dad, the ones teaching and educating me
Your endless praise,cheering me on endlessly,
Just for my sake, you hid your bruises and cuts,
Wounded by the endless recklessness of your son,
And still smiling,while hanging on to the fragile strand of hope
Continuously believing in me

The words the echo in my heart,
Your delicate voices,praising me while struggling
The soft whispers while you held me in your arms
When I cried if regret and resentment

Though it may not be worth risking
Your hops for me that stood unshaken
For now and forever,as this heart beats
And this soul, filled with your endless grace and care

I love you..

waters; 11:31 PM

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

hello people~..another late post.My apologies for the unofficialized hiatus.Anyways,here's a new poem made by me,comments are welcomed..

The unwinding time
Unravels but in vague presence
As mind, comforted by procrastination
Prolongs a distant assurance

Insecurity and insensitivity rushes through
As time passes in protruded adrenaline
Dissipating in nebulous conscience

umm,i think that's all for now.^^
Good luck guys~!for the upcoming exams,tests,competitions and etcetera..

waters; 10:27 PM

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

hey guys~..sorry for the long wait.But Nomad is now officially blogging again!(just for today actually since Syu kept bugging me to update~.hehe.)

Let's see~..the holidays~,*breathes in*.
Went to Johor,barbequed for two days straight.A week later,went to Malacca to visit my grandma and new baby cousin.She's friggin' cute!haha.Another week later,went to Perak for vacation.huahuahua.^^*breathes out*.

Happy belated New Year People~!!like really belated..=.=
Also,Happy birthday to my one and only father~!woohooo!you're 48 dad~.
And Happy birthday to Mr.Hamkha bin Ali Khan..Your sweet 16 ey?haha.*pokepoke*.

New updates~..*scratches head*.
Getting my RC licence(or is it license..or licensce?0_o'')this Sunday.yippeee yar yay!And guess what?Its going to cost me 7 hours to get it.sheesh..7 precious hours of my life poofs away.haha..I need to take the exam btw to guide the little kids next week for their CCA.^^

Oh-oh!!I just remembered something awesome~!Since this year will be my final year in Madrasah Al-Junied Al Islamiah,I'll be participating in most competitions..yes,people!And that includes inter-madrasah!huahuahua..xD
Gonna go all out this year~.^^

Well,since that's all..Just wanna give you guys(the participants for inter-madrasah) another heads up.Almost all of the elites,aka division A guys(under 18),and yes,that includes me..will be participating in this year's go all out people and lets have the most awesome year of our lives!!wooohoooo!!That's all people,i'll be on hiatus for the next few months or so i think..studying for 'O' levels.^^


waters; 8:14 PM

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Guess i'll do one last post before i leave for overseas.^^

After my 16th birthday, things start to become a roller-coaster outta control. I started volunteering for a ton of stuffs even though i knew that this body is the most fragile during the monsoon season. But i kept being optimistic, saying to myself that the harder i push myself forward,the more happier I will be in the future. And guess what?it didn't turn our as bad as i thought it would be.*laughs*.

I first volunteered for the RockOn Singapore!An international - or so they say - rock climbing competition.It was held on two consecutive weekends,and was fortunately very tiring.I completely exhausted my body within those two weekends. And also,there was an incident regarding Us. And it was the second official time my face turned red.*laughs*.Thank goodness Nubs wasn't there to see it. After that,went out a couple of times with the RC-ers..scaled the six meter wall over and over again. Japanese students from Yamamoto Gakuen High School came to our school, and we introduced them to rock climbing. The person getting the most gasps and cheers were predictably one of the three elites because he scaled the roof.Note:Roof is the part of the wall that is parallel to the ground.I've to admit,he was quite impressive.

Anyways, the week before students from secondary three went to Sentosa.My class was set loose as soon as we landed.And we went wild~!literally.Dashed straight to the beach and went swimming. Zacques,Q and me had a few problems to be taken care of so we set on a journey to find the hidden shop that sells *********.*laughs*.We literally got lost searching for that particular shop,went to different parts of the island and also met Syu and her friends - they were having an Amazing Race - along the way.After roaming through parts which we weren't supposed to be intruding,we finally found that shop. But the part we ughh-ed the most was that the shop was right near the beach and we searched the entire island just to find three frigging pairs of it.*laughs*. After enjoying our time wearing each other out in the waist deep part of the sea, we head towards a food court.And had only like ten minutes left on the clock before the bus leaves.Then, after heading back for school, I went out with her friends for lunch.^^

*scratched head*.Had a post-examination activity for the juniors a few days before our excursion, and it was rock climbing.This particular activity was held to recruit eight students from the primary level into the RC.The next day, these eight students compete against each other on the Speed Wall so we could understand their weaknesses and train them for next year.

A few days after the Japanese Students exchange program, a carnival was held and Rock Climbing was part of it.It was fun,seeing my beloved juniors enjoying themselves and laughing around with their friends.It was definitely a day I will never forget.Later,the rock climbers began remaking their boulder routes to further challenge their skills and abilities.And also,on that day I received my report book,my position improved by four seats and my percentage improved by more than two percent.That was quite satisfying,though I must say I still need to improve on my academic studies for next year's O level Examination. Anyways, I was happy with my overall result.

Its almost a week after receiving the report book. And my trainings have already gone underway.And by the way,gyms are not for me.*grins*.

P.S. Congrats to Syu for winning gold medal for the 4 x 100m relay and silver for 100m solo.I must say,you're much more impressive than i gave you credit for.hehe.
And also to my beloved friends, my apologies if i haven't been spending time with you guys.We'll go for training as soon as i return kay?^^

waters; 9:52 PM

Happy 16th Birthday Nomad~!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Nomad:"Burn baby,burn~!!"
Cake :"Hurry,get the ICE-ing!This guy's gone mad!"
A lame joke in the morning makes things fun~!

A tonne of thanks to wish-ers,and pre-sabotage-ers.

Went out with cuzzies,to celebrate my birthday.And they bought a PS3.And I'm still not tall enough okay~.Unlike you guys.Went to popeye's.

Jeez,i don't really feel like blogging today.I'll just keep it short.

blablabla.Ellouise,I hate you~!!*laughs* just kidding.

To Calling Autumn:Let's start the recording as soon as exams end.
To Ameegos:Our performance last week was fun~!Not really the best performance,but still,it's fun~!

To Sabotage-ers:Spare at least my wally(wallet) ,phone and uniform tomorrow please~!^^

I think that's all,will upload picures as soon as possible.^^

Good luck for your exams tomorrow guys~!!Ganbatte!

waters; 9:15 AM

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Good morning~!!It's been like what..a week since I've updated?*laughs*

Friday,2nd October
It was unlike any usual day at school.The entire student body wore baju kurung to school.Not to mention the teachers too.And today,the prohibited usage of handphones were exempted.So?here comes the pictures..^^


*laughs hysterically*,can't believe how funny it was.But the kurung I wore was quite heavy..Let's move on.Later,after school.The RC members went out raya-ing at everyone's houses(well,not exactly everyone).We ended up at my house before returning home at 11.

Saturday,3rd October
Yesterday~!!was awesome!!The mass moved out early in the morning while i was still snoozing off.By the time i joined,they'd already covered four houses.We met up at Zacques',before running off-raiding other houses.And here are the pictures.


*groans*,and i'm already worn out from yesterday..took the last bus from Sengkang,ditching Q and the other westerners.And a taxi from woodlands.Reached home at half-past midnight.Guess that's all.See ya~!going out raya-ing with the class of monkeys again today..*laughs*

I was burning under the sun,
Melting candles when you held out your hands,
And it was soft,under the warmth of your skin,
Numbing the pain as it sinks within..

waters; 9:46 AM

Nur Muhammad;Nomad

16 years old.Male.


Mira El



February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 February 2010 December 2010