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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Firstly, Assalamu'alaikum.
Dear readers,
As you can see,i haven't been updating this blog for about a month or so.The reason is that my schedules are getting packed and im home late, 6 days a week.Recent news..

Last friday to last Sunday,
It was the most amazing 3 days and 3 nights of my life.Me and all the secondary 4 students went to Sembawang Terror Sea Scout camp.The camp was called MQ,Management Qolbu, conducted by our brothers and sisters from Bandung,Indonesia.

The camp taught me new things that i have yet to discover and understand,it helps me in realising who i am, my reason for being the creation of our Omnipotent God,Allah subhanahu wata'ala.This camp helped me understand the purpose of living on this earth,and the hardships that we must live through to reach the unimaginable heavens with our god and his messengers. And the most importantly,it taught me the meaning of 'ukhuwah',friendship,between our brothers and sisters in Islam.

In the night of the 2nd day, we were called to a self-realising and self-understanding activity.Muhasabah diri as they call it.As the facilitator turned off all the lights and spoke of us,what we had done to our parents,our teachers,our friends and ourselves.What we were supposed to be doing.And what we were supposed to refrain from..Our eyes shed away years and years of regret and resentment,as our hearts give way to realising our sins and mistakes.We hugged each other,begging forgiveness in this unheard darkness.And as we kneeled, and bowed to Allah, we begged for his undying mercy towards us and our parents,our brothers and sisters in Islam and our teachers,in endless stream of tears..Many of us hugged as soon as the lights came to. Our bond,was strengthened by Allah the almighty. Minutes later,white sheets of paper were given to us for a letter to be written to our parents when we return home..

To my beloved parents..

Though words can never repay for what you've done for me,
The smiles that you've always carved on your fragile faces,
Hidden beneath,your tears of sweat and blood just for my sake
Secretly overflows this silent heart,

Mom and dad, the ones teaching and educating me
Your endless praise,cheering me on endlessly,
Just for my sake, you hid your bruises and cuts,
Wounded by the endless recklessness of your son,
And still smiling,while hanging on to the fragile strand of hope
Continuously believing in me

The words the echo in my heart,
Your delicate voices,praising me while struggling
The soft whispers while you held me in your arms
When I cried if regret and resentment

Though it may not be worth risking
Your hops for me that stood unshaken
For now and forever,as this heart beats
And this soul, filled with your endless grace and care

I love you..

waters; 11:31 PM

Nur Muhammad;Nomad

16 years old.Male.


Mira El



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