Good morning~!!It's been like what..a week since I've updated?*laughs*
Friday,2nd October
It was unlike any usual day at school.The entire student body wore baju kurung to school.Not to mention the teachers too.And today,the prohibited usage of handphones were exempted.So?here comes the pictures..^^

*laughs hysterically*,can't believe how funny it was.But the kurung I wore was quite heavy..Let's move on.Later,after school.The RC members went out raya-ing at everyone's houses(well,not exactly everyone).We ended up at my house before returning home at 11.
Saturday,3rd October
Yesterday~!!was awesome!!The mass moved out early in the morning while i was still snoozing off.By the time i joined,they'd already covered four houses.We met up at Zacques',before running off-raiding other houses.And here are the pictures.

*groans*,and i'm already worn out from yesterday..took the last bus from Sengkang,ditching Q and the other westerners.And a taxi from woodlands.Reached home at half-past midnight.Guess that's all.See ya~!going out raya-ing with the class of monkeys again today..*laughs*
I was burning under the sun,
Melting candles when you held out your hands,
And it was soft,under the warmth of your skin,
Numbing the pain as it sinks within..