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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hey guys~!Its officially 22nd of August.

By the way,sorry for making you wait for this post.I'm gonna make it special kays?*laughs*

Where do I start?*scratches head*
Oh,National Day was awesome~!The 6JDs(non-official band name) had their very first performance on stage.Waiting for our cue was nerve-wrecking!I could've sworn I passed out a few seconds just before our turn.And I almost hyperventilated!I was thinking,"Oh god~!Don't hyperventilate please,please,please~!!".And i didn't,*jumps*.And overall,it was a great success.

I spent the next few weeks re-building my stamina,studying and thinking of the things I should do next.

Rebuilding my own stamina took a longer period than i expected.I used up three days each week for three weeks just to regain my leg muscles.It was ubber frustrating~!Reconstructing mental endurance was a challenge too.(I lost confidence in myself after failing to complete a 2.4 kilometre circuit around the stadium under ten minutes after i've recovered from my illness.)The final week also known as this week,I trained on Monday and Thursday.On Monday,I made a 2.7 km run from home to the park.Wednesday,had RC till late evening.Returned home at 7:15.Friday/Today,after having done my friday prayers,it was raining heavily.Lightnings and thunders brewed every few minutes.So,I had to sprint all the way from Sultan Mosque to school which was unexpectedly quick.Secretly,I was jumping for joy because I've regained my stamina and much more than I'd expected and I'm almost at the same level as Q.*grins*.Later,we had a party in class.Q brought in tons of snacks and crackers.And all of us were munching and crunching simultaneously while passing around the foods and playing soccer.

Much,much later.I went for RC.It was the greatest day of my rock climbing history.*laughs*.We were bouldering continuously though falling was unavoidable.It was as if today was the last day of school.*laughs*.I can't remember the number of times I fell before my hands went completely numb.But I insisted on climbing though,the others were pushing their bodies to it's limit too.After a couplle of hours falling off the same route,we finally decided to pack up and get out.

Guess that's all huh?*laughs*.Goodnight people~!And happy fasting~!!

waters; 12:00 AM

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tomorrow's THE big day people~!

*screams*,save me~!*laughs*
I'm trying not to hyperventilate here,mostly due to nervous-breakdown.*laughs*.Geez,can't even make this dang post sound interesting.Well,these past few days were quite dull.Let's see,*scratches head*,I broke a thermometer in the science lab during physics and paid five bucks for it.Tuesday went as usual,and I helped some friends design as well as write in calligraphy font for their 'National Day' project.Wednesday~,forced to assist another group of friends finish their malay poetry in calligraphy writing.*sighs*.Thursday?Chemistry was unusually noisy with students drowning our teacher with waves of questions.Physics ended early(though it was 2:45 when it ended).After prayers, had this kind of motivational booster session with the most interesting guy on the planet.Later,6JDs(the name of our temporary band) had some rehearsals.And I was finally acknowledged by one of the professional singers from the joint band.It was exhilarating,really.The rehearsal continued till about 6 or 7PM but I decided it was time to get some rest and went home soon.

Now,I'm trying to gather all the courage and guts for tomorrow's performance.Wish me luck people~!

P.S, Q's the host for the event tomorrow.

waters; 9:26 PM

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hey guys~,sorry for the late post.'ve been stressed out with my new life.*smiles*

Anyways,I'll try to recall as much events as possible.

Class was utterly boring,with the constant noises and screams made by my mates.I finally completed the assignment given by my Law lecturer.But he was too lazy to even enter my class such as that i wasn't able to hand in the assignment due on Friday.The weren't much events occuring this week,most of them were probably covered up by a certain someone from the public's eyes.

Thursday & Friday,
Between these two days - I'm sure it was thursday because i was late - it was the most shocking day of my life!I finally witnessed the class monitor lose his cool.His last nerve was abruptly broken by Meyo for being exaggeratedly annoying - though he's always annoying with his I'll-always-win attitude - during recess.Note the 'annoying' part being said twice.You wouldn't believe what my monitor literally shouted,it was something like '(some vulgars i couldn't tell you guys because it was continuous and super fast that my usual brain couldn't keep up with but it ended with something like) your mother is such a *****..'

I was like 'You go dad~!Nice~!' but he got to his feet and walked away.Later,the temporal band and I had a pre-performance at the Assembly Hall in front of Sir A. and another guy-i-dunno-wth-his-name-is.I messed up some vocal chords,and my pitch was too high plus i was nervous and half hyperventilating throughout the time i was infront of home.And i can't believe this band is going to sing ON STAGE somewhen between next Thursday and Friday.And I've stage fright,but if there was ever any cameras in the area,I won't be able to voice a single word.*falls to knees*.Wish me luck for the performance will you?*grins*

Saturday & Sunday
The worst day in my life,at midnight,just when I was about to get some sleep after watching some lame movies,I inadvertedly stepped on my phone.And it goes CRACK!The screen was broken,and that marks the beginning of the two day bad luck ordeal.Some bad stuffs happened to me,it was depressing.Felt like a sword was being contantly hanged over my head.But anyways,in the end,another day gone and a new day comes by right?*smiles*

That's all for now i guess.Oh,and I'm making a new blog,I'll tell you guys about it when it's done yeah?I'll probably post some covers made by me and some original songs.Night people~!

And I miss you already~..

waters; 9:51 PM

Nur Muhammad;Nomad

16 years old.Male.


Mira El



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