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Sunday, June 28, 2009

So today isn't exactly a good day..

Woke up at 11,went to the clinic for a medical check-up,bought some medicines and a thermometer and went home.Later went to BPP to buy a new pair of shoes.

Now i'm bored.

Went out early in the morning and had breakfast with band members,worked on a new song then,it should be up on Zacques blog by now.But it still needs to be improved though.The first song is almost reaching it's completion.Later,went to school - though i stayed only for an hour - for the Rock Climbing training.Then,went to Bugis Street for no reason whatsoever and went home.I haven't got much to do these days.Waiting for dad to return tomorrow from Batam.And he'll probably be quarantined at home for about a week or so due to the country being infected with the flu.

Guess that's all i have for today.Any new events would probably be updated tonight.

And comments on the new skin?*laughs*

waters; 7:01 AM

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

As the clouds shadowed over the second home of mine,i woke up realising that there was a need to change.Something that i've thought about for quite awhile now.I've been way too reckless and naive all this while,making mistakes too obvious in my own eyes.And yet when i realised that,i repeated them over and over again.Though repenting seems to be the only thing i could do.There wasn't much that i could change.I've been far too annoying and cantankerous,so,i've made up my mind.Its a decision that i hope i'd never regret.

Its time for a Change.

This time,my heart changes.I'd lost this feeling i had for her.Leaving no traces of what i used to have.And i won't grief, there's nothing for me to dread about - leaving her will be much easier now.And it will be much easier for her too,knowing that i've been delusional about her feelings.I was simply having a crush on her wasn't i?Though my heart denies.

The truth was there all along,laid in front of me.But it is now that i choose to believe.So,no regrets.

There isn't really anything much to type about this week.I've only been anticipating the reopening of our school.I've slacked way too long for my own good.It's time to wreck this brain.

O-levels are closing in on us now,about a year left to prepare.I'll have to brace myself for the future that lies ahead.Though it sounds coarse of me,it is a fact.As of now,it's a one and a half year race to the top against my juniors.So fight!It's the only thing left for us to do.For me to do at least.A year and a half left in this school seems poignant to me.The place where i'd originally hated,now becomes precious.But,it's time for me to move on.There's so many things that i can still do while i'm here.And so many places that i want to go to with the precious people in school.So many memories to be made,so little time.*laughs softly*.

Well,it seems that that will be all i'll post about this month.I'll be looking forward to seeing your faces again.Goodnight!

waters; 3:56 PM

Friday, June 19, 2009

*knock knock*,Anyone home?*laughs*

Hey guys..
Let's talk about yesterday shall we?well,i'd better type fast,think i'm having amnesia or some sort.*laughs*

Yesterday was quite slow,dead slow actually.Woke up at 11.30 in the morning,let's call it the afternoon shall we?So,i had my breakfast,watched Prison Break season 4 with my sister,and washed the dishes.Mother went out early in the morning to work.While watching Prison Break online,i constantly stared at the clock on the desktop just to make sure i wasn't late for anything.That was when i realised i had a rehearsal with the band.So i rushed to shower,put on a nice shirt and waited near the gate with an acoustic guitar on my shoulders.Then,mother returned just when i was about to leave.I took a bus to Bras Basah,bought a sharp,stainless steel scizzors-not that i believe it's really stainless-from the Popular,and a pick from a guitar shop.

Later,i went for rehearsals with the band in the rehearsal room in total secrecy,because we weren't actually welcomed guests.But before we knew it,we were busted.So, we had to search for another rehearsal port.Made our way to a place called Kelantan something something,and rehearsed for a few hours.Then Zacques and Meyo had to leave,because of curfew or something.Then,there were three.We practiced with our drummer's new song,it was quite good actually-better than the first-the genre for the second song was country-rock or something.It still had some flaws with the lyrics,but that could be changed right?so,we practiced for a couple of hours before our stomachs grumbled in starvation.Had dinner at HM's.Went home then.Slept only for two hours that night.Watched some tv-series at youtube then because of sleep deprivation.Woke up at 10:30,had some breakfast and helped out Grandpa with painting the house.We're giving it a new look!!Besides,some furnitures need to be removed.

So,that's it then for today i guess.Now,i'm doing nothing.Probably stretching.*laughs*
Kays,night then guys!Sweet Dreams!^^

waters; 12:02 PM

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

hey peeps!!you can't believe how much i've missed every single one of you..too bad we cant go out together ey?shall we?haha..

the person(s) i miss the most is probably MEYO..So sad..but hey,you'll be our back-up rhythm guitarist starting from tomorrow!!i'm pumped,haha..

well let's see..*scratches head*
Zacques and bear-bear are already jump!!haha..*jumps*

i'm guessing i'm being a little too weird today huhs?*laughs*
well,lets see todays news..*searches through memories*

Sent my dad off to Batam in a ferry yesterday,so sad..he'll be back in 2 weeks time..i'll have to be the 'man of the house' till then.What a joke!As if i'd be able to bear that kind of responsibility..*laughs hysterically*
Then,went home..helped mother out with the fishes my dad and i bought at the wet market last time..later,went for a shower and made my way to East Coast Park..fished for some fishes with my cousin,but got seaweeds and plastics instead..*laughs*,the sea current was quite strong.The splashes from the waves itself was soaked my worn out jeans..had dinner at the East Coast Lagoon and ate some weird food i've never eaten before..reached my cousin's at 11:43 pm,well,my older cousin was having a Barbeque/Party with his friends from the police force.So he arrived at about 9 in the morning i guess.

Went home today at 2:30 pm and my house was locked and no one seems to be at home..later,grandfather open it..about half an hour later..
Now,i'm chatting with some friends and discussing about our plans for tomorrow.And just so you people know,my relationship with Girl 2 is officially just friends.That's probably why i'm being extra weird today.*laughs*

Guess that's all i can remember for now..Nights guys!

waters; 1:32 PM

Thursday, June 11, 2009

hey guys..Lookie-lookie!A new skin!haha..

well,haven't had any interesting events this week..hmm..

6th June,
Went out with Sofiia and Umii to Dhoby Ghaut,accompanied them on a shopping spree since it was the Singapore Mega Sale..This Fashion's discount prices ranged from 10-70%..and the dresses were pretty too..We had lunch ate Long John Silver,it was kind of awkward for awhile..then i went crazy..haha..later,we went to Far East Plaza-still on a shopping spree-and raided the shops.I stumbled upon my 'sister' and her friend in their school uniform,seems like they were shopping too..and they waved at me..embarassing..haha..then?we took a bus to Bugis Junction,and checked out some stores along the way.There was this kimono-or was it yukata-anyways,i saw it at the third floor,then i started imagining her in that.Ohmygod,she would look cute in the kimono/yukata.*Laughs*,later that day..we kinda slacked at NLB before visiting Iluma.

8th June,
Went for Rock Climbing training at Dairy Farm with trainer,coach and some friends.The natural wall was about,i don't know,3 to 4 storeys high.And with almost no foothold at all.Anyways,had to boulder a 2m rock for a warm-up.Oh,and we ate Nasi lemak,before it was infested with tons of ants.Too bad Miraa wasn't there to see it..*sneers*,at the end of the day,i ended up with some cuts and bruises.That night,i watched Terminator Salvation with my dad,sis n my older cousin.It was Thrilling!!*with a capital T*,haha..slept at about 2 to 3 in the morning.

Was the most boring day of my life,Girl2 went to a chalet with some friends/family.Received like 2 messages from her.But that was good enough though.Chatted with female friends,(note:i've been chatting with girls for like 5 days straight now,are guys really that inconspicuous?*laughs*),waited for light to finally diminish in the horizon.Didn't ate much that day.

Got home at about 3:15 in the afternoon,now i'm stuck to the computer for the next few hours with nothing to do..*groans*,waiting for mom to come home..come back quick mommy!!haha..see yas..

waters; 7:52 AM

Friday, June 5, 2009

hey guys...i mean 'HEY GUYS!!',haha..

It's been like a week since i'd updated this blog..(note:i have 3 blogs btw..huhu..)
well,let me catch-up on this entire weeks' events..

Last week,
Friday,helped out with some stuffs for the teachers..Assist-ed the RC members for the 'who-has-the-most-customer event'..thankfully,i didn't have to belay anyone..*ROFL*..HARNASS-ED(not harass) about 78 kids..tiresome..but it was worth it anyways..guess what,Girl 2 didn't came to school for the entire week..=.=
But school went on anyways,its not like the end of the,i stayed at school for about 14 hours..including the parent-teacher meeting..mother saturn-gazed during astro club's event..Girl2 came at about 7..finally..then went to beach road..ate whilst half-asleep..

(note:i lost the bet with Syaf,and so as promised,i'll treat you..soon)^^

Saturday,went to cousin's nothing much happened..
Sunday-Tore the muscles of my right leg during training,result?a walking penguin..=.=

Monday..Same..very dull..

Tuesday,went out for rehearsals with Zacques and band for the currently suck-ish voice of mine..went home with Rhythm..

Thursday,went out again for rehearsals..met Suzy..being unexceptionally emo that day..went back to cousin's with a friend's brother..then met up with Valest on the way..chatted with her for about 2 hours i guess..sent her home,went to cousin's..

Today?got home at about 10..helped mother with some errands..apparently,she and my sisters are going overseas today..Zacques too..yesterday was,i'm getting my body to eat..though i hate eating..ESPECIALLY eating..its too troublesome..haha..well,thats all..i'll update again soon..maybe tonight?haha..c ya..

waters; 3:39 AM

Nur Muhammad;Nomad

16 years old.Male.


Mira El



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