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Friday, May 29, 2009

So nothing much happened today..Skipped school yesterday to 'reformat' my hay-wired brain..

Anyways,today is the unluckiest day i've ever been through..

First,i was asked by Trainer to belay him when he on a 'lead' climb..after reaching the top,he asked me whether i was ready to hang on to the rope when he was abseiling down the 10 meter+ the equipments used was all brand new,the ropes where pretty much tore through my skin -literally- and burned part of my left hand..i hanged onto the rope as hard as i could,but to no avail..trainer fell on his back from the top of the wall with a loud thud..time froze for quite a while before the others the end,trainer had a slight headache(his elbow absorbed most of the impact from the fall)..I was drowned in unending guilt as i held his head in my burning my head i was screaming"OH MY GOD!!!WHAT DID I JUST DO?!I'M DEAD..SO DEAD.."
Fortunately,my guilt wasn't spared at all as the girls around us now started picking on me..hahs..

Lesson learned:Never belay your trainer with a brand new rope..

Then,somewhere between two to three hours ago..
I almost destroyed the internet modem by continuously clicking on the test button on the gateway web..haha..saved by restarting the modem..that's almost everything that tried to get me killed today..

hmm,lets see..

Tomorrow;one of the most important day of our teenage lives as we'll receive our performance results for the first semester..i'm scared out of my pants..gosh!!haha..just kidding..gotcha didn't i?haha..and tomorrow still i'll be belaying the publics coming for the RC tryouts..hope it won't turn out as it did today..
well,i'll end it with a piece of my poem 'kay?

'The Seasons Ends'

As the wild leaves flew with the wind,
And the spectrum of colours blooming under the radiance of the bright star
The skies showered it's cold and yet warmth droplets of love
Trickling down my spine as my eyes widens in astonishment

Its finally come to an end
The four seasons of love,hatred,happiness and grief
And as the wheels gyrate to a new beginning
Countless smiles appear on the faces of my loved ones..

waters; 1:14 PM

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

good evening guys..n girls..hehe..

Feeling - like what Zacques would you usually say - UBER hyper today..don't know why..probably because of sleep deprivation..thats usually the case with me though..well,lets see..oh,i received most exam results yesterday..

Science:Physics:about 59 or something out of
Chemistry:78..woohoo..aced paper 1..haha
Math:Flunked..theres no need for anymore details here..
Language:Malay:Average Score..-.-''
English:Average too..

Arabics:Mostly saved by a few points..overall is below average-average..considering how weak i am in these subjects..

I ain't proud bout my scores..screw me,slacked the entire first semester..i don't wanna go NERD again..but if thats what i have to do to improve my grades..then thats what i'll do..

Next:The weather today was excruciatingly unbearable..since summer is getting know what that means?Sleep-overs!Jamming!Gigs!Fishing!(huh?!) and do-whatever-we-want-cuz-nobody-cares season of the year!!!haha..oh,and i forgot to add DATING!!!!woohoooo~lol..

Note:i'm still dateless since the last few post..:'(
haha..rofl..but its okay,single is the best way to love our young life!! if i would understand a single word i've just said..(dang!i'm sleep again..XD)

The BAND has been having rehearsals between classes and during recess for the recording..and some competition we're still discussing about..and my voice still sucks from the last singing lesson from a certain someone..*coughs*..or should i say someoneS..hahs

Oh,i almost forgot to say this..but i'll save for the end of this post..

lets see,what else can we talk about..hmm,*scratches forehead*..
Went for a mile jog with Syakur last thursday..(thats about 2.2 kilometres),then went for rehearsals with Zacques and band..the videos should be up on his blog by now..then i had to run all the way to my cousin from the marsiling mrt in a downpour..poor me..end up with a wet guitar and clothes soaked in acid rain..eew..

Friday,was supposed to watch NATM2(Night At The Museum 2) but it seemed like a fire broke out at level,everyone in that building had to evacuate..the movie was supposed to start at 5.30..but the fire started exactly at that was exceptionally was announced safe at about we changed plans..end up eating tons of food before going back to cousin's..

I think thats it..haha..and before i forget..I LOVE YOU..see ya..

waters; 1:38 PM

Saturday, May 16, 2009

hey guys!!i hadn't update this blog for like 3 weeks now right? i'll share some of the few things that happened this past few days..

hmm..lets see..

Monday,i had my second arab language was quite challenging,considering i slept for like only 2 hours..and the day before that i studied with some friends at Bedok Library at about 6.15.Then revised for physics,chemistry and a hundred and forty-three arabic words from a friend's book..ended up going hime at 11.30..haha..mother was furious when she called me..and since there were no longer buses heading towards the west area,i had to take a cab home..the total amount was like $19.80 including midnight i went to school with a half-asleep expression..then SMACK!!the arab paper,thought i was gonna lose my mind..inadvertedly,i managed to complete it before the bell rang..chem and physics was quite easy..i just had to shade some alphabets that appeared in my mind on the answer sheet..

Tuesday,nothing much home,went for training,got home and slept late..

Nothing much happened till friday..

let's see,i had my second math paper that day,the last few pages were quite do-able..but the first few pages were hellish-ly difficult!!couldn't even solve an easy factorisation question..then went high for about 20 minutes..after that,we went JAMMING!!!I was like so glad to be able to hold onto the guitars and mics!!and guess what?!the owner of the jamming place was RAHIMAH RAHIM from Singapore Idol,and i couldn't believe that she even wore a scarf over her head,it was like OMG!!! pumped up over a finalist from singapore idol..haha..overall,Zacques and i sang a few songs from our band and a few covers from The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus,Avenged Sevenfold and Silverstein..haha..guess thats all..haha

Peace Out!!

waters; 5:01 AM

Nur Muhammad;Nomad

16 years old.Male.


Mira El



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