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Saturday, March 28, 2009

yesterday didn't went does today..

You Broke My Heart

I'm finally letting her go,i don't want to hurt her anymore.Though my heart was broken,i still have feelings for her..It's painful..when she has had contact with many guys and i did not get mad at her,but when she assumes that i'm having contact with other girls,she spurted horrible things at me..

I gave her chances,countless times,and i've asked her indirectly what she feels about me,and when she said that she only takes me as a friend,i fell to my knees.And those words she said that all this while she told me she loves me were all lies,she completely broke my heart.I cried.

I picked up what was left of the pieces and forced my hopes up,just to see it fall down again.Though she thinks of me as her friend,she won't want to forget me when i told her to..why?Isn't it enough for me to suffer when i gave you my heart?I've never gotten mad at her,only at myself for not being able to make her life happier all these whiles.I thought i was gentle towards her,carefully saying the right words.But in the end,all i could do was tear myself away from her,and though i know she's hurt right now,does she think of the pain she inflicted upon me all these times?Does she know that i cried when she said those hurtful words?

It's okay now,i know she'll find a better guy who will care for her much more than i did.And if she could forget me within these two weeks,then there's nothing left to cry about and be happy for.My heart would bleed all the love i have given her.And all these days i've cherished her for every moment i saw her smiling face,and her voice whispering in my mind,it will be just another story in my life.

I will never break my promise to you,and once that promise has been fulfilled,you won't see a smile on my face ever again.

It's difficult.I know.Don't look back at the past,keep moving forward even if it hurts.

The day when your gaze will meet mine again,will be the day i have become a better person.Forget me.

waters; 2:12 PM

Friday, March 27, 2009

heyyz!LATE BLOGGER!!haha..hmm,think i'll tell you what happened on monday between me and Girl1.

I was on a bus on my way home and i texted her.I made up some lame jokes just to get in the mood.She responded.Then i asked her whether she knows how i feel towards her.She said :"I don't know.You're too lazy to even talk to me anymore."Then i texted her for the next few hours telling her the reason i've been doing that and blablabla..The ending?She finally broke my heart..*sobs..She took me as a friend and nothing more.

Yesterday: Went to BPP with nubs and kak umii.(note:the second part to the heart ripping story).We were eating at LJS',she texted me,asking what i was doing.I told her i was out with my sis and her friend.//the people from overseas reading my blog,don't bother reading this,especially you, Janice..haha.

Me :Kter tgh ngan akak kter ngan kwn dier kat luar..nga mrayap.
Her:Mrayap tu bahse aper?Aper makner dier uh?
Me :Mrayap tu bahse melayu luh..haha..makne g carik kat kamus..

Then she started hurling vulgars at me for no reason and got angry at me.I told her to chill,instead..she ORDERED me to chill when i wasn't even mad..I'm not used to being ordered around by angry girls,so i was confused.Nubs and Umii red her text and 'comforted' me.I didn't reply for the next few minutes or so..then scared the hell out of Umii when i went weirdo..then,when we were about to send Umii to the bus stop,i called her..she didn't picked up her phone.And texted me saying that her brother was in her room.She coul've gotten out of them room and took my called right?Umii told Nubs if i by any chance cried that night,she wants nubs to text her.But i didn't.HAH!Could've cried though..for all the things that she did,i could've cried.But i chose to sleep instead.THE END.

Effing Difficult Test

Insya'.would've never expected it to be this difficult.Tried my best though..Didn't get to go ice skating!!waaarrgghh!!it's so not fair,hate you sis!got projects and homeworks to be done.hope i can finish it by tonight..

waters; 10:35 AM

Thursday, March 19, 2009 word:BORED..

Missing You

Janice went back to her homeland last Sunday,didn't get to see her sad,hope her dad wont get mad at me because of that..haha..anyways,she said she'll be joining SAS as soon as she gets her dad's approval..

hmm,went for training last Sunday at Yew Tee stadium,found out my stamina is super weak..went to cousin's after that,ate,ate and ate.Watched Race to Witch Mountain,ate again.

Went to school the day after,had some proper prayer sessions with arabics teachers,he sent me home soon after that.Went to cousin's again that night,and met with Scarios(clan's elite member) on my way there.He looked nice though,but was covered with a really huge killing intent,he's a monster.Wing(current clan leader) sent him to accompany me,nothing unusual happened.We talked for awhile.

Now,i'm bored..doing nothing at all.Planning to do my holiday homeworks soon.Guess that's all.See ya.

waters; 7:12 AM

Saturday, March 14, 2009

hola peeps!

The most exciting day is..of course today."I hereby declare that no student hath to come to school for the entire week starting from next Monday."hoohhooo.

oh,and this is the vid about the day before maulid i promised you guys..

meanwhile,congrats Nur!you have just got through two weeks of stress.*claps hands.
now all i have to do is just ready myself for the events that will take place during the holidays.And i'm still dateless btw..oh,i'm going to the MOSAIC concert this sunday with nubs and her future *coughs* husband *coughs*..haha

that's all i got for today.Nytez guys!

waters; 1:19 PM

Friday, March 13, 2009

Yo people!Omg!i'd jux realised something..i've been saying sorry for the past 3 posts..haha!

Life Couldn't Get Any Worse

Had 2 tests today;Fiqh and Saraf..Can't believe that the fiqh test is much easier than saraf..And both scores are 50..i was like,OMG!!And i didn't study much on saraf coz i was focusing on Fiqh..hehe..ate fish&chips for breakfast..(or was it fish&fries?haha)

I'm beginning to feel that Girl1 NO LONGER has feelings for me,and though it hurts..i'm trying my best to let her go..But i really need to confront her,uggghh.Love is difficult,maybe cuz i'm not mature enough to hold onto the people i care about..I forgot to tell you guys..Janice a.k.a wants to apply to SAS soon..hope she'll get in..Since Girl1 doesn't respond to my feelings towards her,i think i should let her go..*sobs..haha,just kidding..couldn't cry even if i wanted to..anyways,i've got good news and bad news..

Good News:
-I'm officially holding the 13th rank in the Order on friday the 13th..coincidence?i think not..muahahaha..

-Participated in the RC bouldering competition on the 19th/20th/21st february at VeloCity,suppoters are welcomed..:D

Bad News:
-RC coach will no longer teach in our school.He's furthering his studies in Bio-Med i think..but he'll remain our coach..

-Busy starting from this Sunday;SUKMA training at Yew Tee Stadium
Monday;School's proper prayer class..-_______-
Tuesday;RC intensive training,English video project.
Wednesday;RC intensive training,English video project.
Thursday;4 people going on a date including me except i'm dateless.(Anyone wants to be my date?)
Friday;Hamartia recording for it's first album.

I wanna die!!LOL.Have been blog jumping since 6:30(note: The time now is 7:55).Seems like everyone has been having a great life..Wish i could join in..hahax.Okaay,thanks a lot for reading guys!really appreciate it..

waters; 11:01 AM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

hey guys,sooo sorry for not posting anything these past few days..something big-i mean huge happened recently..

Where should i start?how about last week?k.

Monday to friday seems like hell to me..
On Wednesday: All RC members were required to attend this meeting..Apparently our coach had already made plans for the RC crews,the newbies(including me) will take the level 1 license on the 10th and 17th of April due to tight schedule.Soon after that we'll be taking level 2 for free but inclusive of a 4-day contract..Note:Level 1 costs about 35 bucks,and from what i heard level 2 cost $50.So i somewhat agreed on taking the contract..oh,and i'll be posting the link to the RC blog too.

Friday:Boored!Hamartia was supposed to go on a recording but the studio was booked till about 4 pm,so we decided to do it this Friday..anyways,Zac and i went to the NLB and played some songs on his laptop..(Note:Hamartia is our band's name.)Got back home at about 4,watched some movies till 1800,slept till 1830 then went to school again because i volunteered to help prepare our school in time for Prophet's Birthday..These people including RC members came:
-Abdul Syakur

Think that's all of them--we carried the RC boards from the hall to the staircase on the back near the graveyard,it was super heavy..and we perspired like pigs.haha.Then Muz,Hasanain,Hanan,Syakur and Zac went up on the stage and 'performed',it was hilarious!i recorded the entire performance.'ll be posting it anytime soon so watch out.Oh,after that we went to the primary class near the hall and Zac and i rehearsed for the recording since i brought an acoustic guitar.Soon after that we all sang till 11 pm before Fathin called us to the canteen for dinner/supper.We ate mutton murtabak.It was delicious(since all of us were starving) and we ate like 3 packets of it.RC coach arrived soon after that and joined in.We rested soon after that and ventured around the school premises.At about midnight,most of us bathe just to get rid of the dusts..I wore my pink towel around my head into sort of a scarf,then walked along with the others..they were scared out of their wits!!haha.Although i almost looked like a girl in that,they saw me as if i was a ghost..then pulled my towel..Went back to the class soon after that to change,Haziq was messaging you know who then asked me,"Mad,what's i love you in Japanese?",i said"Aishiteru".He then texted you know who the word and you guys know what will happen soon after that.We slept in the teachers room with coach,watched a couple of RC movies then slept..It was freezing.Haziq,Zac,Syeikh,Muz and me were sleeping together with coach.Then at about 3 am,someone nudged me..I opened my lids and saw Haziq staring at me.He said,"Mad,teman aku gi toilet jap".And i did.Didn't feel sleepy after that,we went to the canteen and saw Fathin,Hafiz,Robbani,Syakur,Hanan and Hasanain mopping the canteen and the tables and chairs.When we called out Hasanain he didn't hear because he was wearing this huge white earphones.Haziq and i created a havoc at the canteen,then we rested on the long benches.Soon after that everyone got into the class and slept and Me and Haziq went back to the teachers' room.Woke up at somewhere between 0500 to 0630,woke Hasanain and Hanan,but they did something funny instead,Hanan was sleeping behing Hasanain and turned into a sort of like a crouching position and did something stupid,they looked like hermaphodites like that.haha,we prayed individually then surfed on Zac's laptop.Bathed at 7:30 and started helping out little by little with eyebags in sight,although i didn't have eyebags..don't want to type much.I could make a book out of this post.haha.

Sunday:Cousin got engaged,took some pictures with her.then i ate,ate,ate,ate and ate.Now i'm fat again.Sabotaged by my uncle when i was asleep with cream.Played tag with cousins till 6pm.Yesterday was a confirmed day of boredom.

That's all i'll post for tonight..i think..Nytes!

waters; 2:20 PM

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hey guys..sooo soorry for not making new posts..

So far,everything was pretty much boring..Yesterday,my Qur'an teacher finally smiled for the first time in like 3 no one got in a bad mood..and umm,i didn't messaged her(Girl1) for about a week now..but she didn't even tried to ask if everything was fine..i messaged her today,after a whole week of non-messaging..and we kinda got in a quarrel about me asking her if she really does love me or if she was playing with my's still on hold though..i'll be calling her at midnight..hope that the outcome would not affect my test tomorrow..speaking of tests..oh GOD!!!an entire week of tests..
Monday :Chemistry
Tuesday :English and Physics
Wednesday:E Math
Thursday :Fiqh
Friday :Tafsir

jeez...getting stressed,and got some tests the week after that too!!and video projects and individual work that needs to be done by next attending the celebration of our Prophet's birthday this saturday i think..oh!before i forget,our band is making it's first recording very soon,so anyone interested in this kinda stuff just see Zac or me..we've been rehearsing like 5 to 6 songs now..our own..and some covers of other songs such as Your Call,Tongue Tied and other songs which i didn't really hear..haha..and it will be super fun!!P.S: We need back up singers..Getting pumped for our new album..can't wait..

umm,i'll be creating a new blog for our rock climbing team..the trainers requested,so look forward to the new link on my blog..that's all i have..i think,haha..:D

waters; 3:09 PM

Nur Muhammad;Nomad

16 years old.Male.


Mira El



February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 February 2010 December 2010