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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

hey guys!sooorry for the late post..i was 'sick'..hehe..really..

aniwaes,i'll give you guys a summary of what happened last week and this week..
lets start with friday..// My quran teacher cried,because an idiot couldn't keep his mouth shut and was very rude to her..but although we didn't do almost nothing wrong to her,she blamed us..-__________-''
The first reason was because we didn't show her much respect because of her mood swings and favouritism kinda got everyone furious at her even though they didn't show it..and second because we lend our sort of definition books to the other classes..i was thinking 'what the hell is wrong with lending people our books,it's not like we're helping them cheat or something..' then she goes on.."You guys are conspiring with the other classes by lending them your books,you're making them lie to me..blablabla.."

What is wrong with lending our friends some books..and what's her problem with that..eventually,my named was mentioned among the students who lent their books,but my teacher couldn't get any names out of me because i kept my mouth shut the entire time.She said that if she found out whom i lent my book to,i'll get it..and so, ignored the rest of her lectures..but then i apologized because of what i did and as a representative of the entire class..and i got scold..that part was really bad..but i sincerely apologized to the controversy ends..

but the good news is that i gave her(Girl 1) a present - presents for her super belated birthday and something else..the story?Once upon a time..

A boy was writing a poem he made and memorized a thousand times scurriedly onto a piece of paper,he promised the girl that he would approach her Castle to give her the presents the he spent an entire week to search for to her..And so he scribbled the words repeatedly,tearing the papers for each wrong letters that were written and rewrite it over and over again..the girl kept waiting for him,but he didn't came..and so,with a drifting hope,she went away..looking back at her castle as she had some things to attend to..the boy,now desperate,grabbed one of his little brothers to accompany him to her castle..but when he came,she was already gone far away..the boy didn't give up hope..he searched for her room,and finally found a bag..he ask his little brother to look out for guards who were supposedly ordered to patrol around the kingdom while he placed the presents inside her he was zipping the bag close,she came..the boy was so excited that he hyperventilated and panicked..quickly,he pulled the back door open and rushed out of her castle..that night,a sparrow came to his window..carrying a letter tied to it's leg..the boy took it and opened the letter with wrote..

" Dear Prince,(Yucks!)
Hey!i wanted to talk to you just now but you ran away through the back door,i'm so sad..anyways,thanks for the presents darla.i Loved it so much! ESPECIALLY the ********,i waited for you but you didn't came and i had a tummy ache,just when i came back,you were there..thanks again..*kisses..


I kinda hyperventilated again when i got the message..and i kinda edit some part of the,"Dear Prince" and "Love,Princess"

Went to cousins house for the weekend,trying to make a script for our video project but end up playing D.O.T.A till 7,then went for prayer and slept at 8:45!!haha,my first time sleeping this early..then went to ECP and Marina Barrage..Reached home at about 9 i think..ironed my clothes,texted her and slept..Next:

We had a camp was AWESOME!!everyone was crazy except few..but the new kid couldn't behave and so he got beaten up really badly when he came into the library after friends recorded the whole thing..i'll post it along with the next few posts..and the 3 greatest artist in our class drew a picture to discribe who we are internally and what people are seeing us as..We literally drew a face/mask/symbol to represent ourselves..and guess what?tomorrow's gonna be a big day!!There's gonna be like a design battle between us 3,we're supposed to custom-design our sword and shield tomorrow!!But we're too lazy to go all out against each other,we'd rather help each other with the details and shading..but i'm getting sick!!aww..probably a fever..gotta recover before tomorrow comes..haha..that's all!! see ya guys!!

waters; 3:30 PM

Monday, February 9, 2009

hey guys,sorry for not putting up new posts for the last few days..i was 'busy'..hehe..anyways,i'll give you guys a summary of what happened these past 2 days..

On friday night,i called her(Girl 1)..and we talked for about 3 hours(Note:I called her at 12 midnight)..And we played a game of 10 questions..

Me:"hmm,have you ever had a crush on a guy?"

Her:"umm,yes, my ***********.My turn,were you having a relationship with her(Girl 2) before we were together?"

Me:"Yes,until her dad found out and bla,bla, knew what happened..My turn,have you ever told a guy you like him?"

Her:"No,but some guys told me they liked me..:D,have you ever gone out on a date before?"

Me:"Not really,we went out but..i didn't think of it like a date.Have you ever had this wierd feeling that a guy has a crush on you?"

Her:"No,but i'll know if they tell me..duh~,i can't think of anymore questions..haha..umm,have you ever lied to a girl before?"

Me:"As in my family members or other girls?"


Me:"Yes for the first,unless it is necessary for the second."(Note:including the 'my family OR other girls',the questions asked have reached 8.)

Me:"Umm,i don't know what to ask for the last question.."

Her:"Just choose any."

Me:"Wait,the last must always be the most important.."

Then i text-ed her..You guys are curious aren't ya as to what i asked her?'s a s-e-c-r-e-t..the last question is the same for the both of us by the way..and both of us said 'yes'.The reason will not be typed in this post.Muahahaha..

I'm having a tution right now so i'll post about yesterday tonight 'kay?^^

waters; 7:57 AM

Saturday, February 7, 2009

hey guys!today's the greatest day of my life..besides all the bad was an exception..hehs..

Anyways..did my homework at the very last minute today..ditched my math class(don't even know why i did that..) and kicked Mimin's arse..haha..actually three-quarter of the class did..and it was because of what he said to me yesterday that the entire class got mad at him..haha,seems like i've got some close friends to back me up..oh and after the RC(it connotes Rock Climbing..and for my beloved readers who doesnt understand what i just said,the meaning of connote is means..) i got knocked on the back of the head by my senior..haha..why?because i came late for the result of Candle Match to be announced..(it's a ranking match between my clan members..and a few people knew about the existence of this clan by the way..) i don't want to talk about these things so just keep it to yourselves 'kay?next..oh,we got an announcement this morning..apparently there has been a protest between senior students and the student leadership council..there has been some controversy between them which was probably started by the seniors(they were very rude by the way..) i attended the was a disaster..the worst thing the leader of the protest could come up with is penis..and it ended with a what-are you-trying-to-say-exactly? in the minds of the spectators..and there's gonna be this kinda discussion for almost every week..ugghh..

After the RC training..
It was raining heavily during the training,and it didn't end till i got on the bus..i got home with a super drenched uniform and a soaked t-shirt..there's no need to tell you guys about my pants..should've already figured that one out by yourselves..oh,and i also brought home a smile..because i won't have to attend my A-math class tomorrow!muahahaha..and because i came up with a fever..anyways,she(the 1) didn't came to school today,because i didn't saw her(or am i just blind?)..i bought a whole box of chocolates just for was kind of saddening..i was excited to give her the chocolates..and i was standing infront of her class..really ended with banging my head to a desk..overall,today was a not-so-great-day and a broken heart..hehs.. thanks guys for reading..and there's a new link coming up..make sure you check it out..

waters; 1:07 PM

Friday, February 6, 2009

Today's a great day..i got 2 oranges!woohooo!and today's the end of emo day!haha!

'Kay, should i start?oh,we had a test today..a nahu test,it's a little difficult for me though..considering im not really good at that subject..but overall it was pretty okay!i ate currypuff during recess..then we had a competition called'Don't forget the lyrics!'arabic was pretty funny!haha..almost none of the participants got a single word right..haha..but they sure have the guts to sing infront of the entire sec 3 boys..oh,and my physics teacher had a sore throat today,i wonder why?and i teased her a little..haha..after school,hmm..oh,the 'Syabab' gang made a perfomance at the courtyard..they were awesome!!i envy them..haha..then i got a rehearsal in class for our first ever album..we still have some issue of the tunes of the song though,but we'll try to solve it a.s.a.p..its probably gonna be published somewhere between june and december..

Oh,and i didn't apologize to my language teacher today,the reason?my group..the unbelievably and undeniably lazy people in my group,i just can't work with their attitudes around me..makes me wanna explode,then i ignored my teacher cuz i was emo at that time..I'm really sorry!!now i'm filled with guilt..jeez..but i'm gonna see her tomorrow though..can't wait forever or the guilt's gonna eat me up..oh,back to after school..i was having a rehearsal then 2 girls stared at me from outside my was awkward..really..but then they came was Fifi..she said thanks about yesterday..(Note:I was in a bus going back home and she was in that bus too with Zahira..or is it Zahida?I think it's Zahira..anyway,i was sitting at the far back of the bus and Fifi was infront of me and Zahi..ra was infront of her,a bunch of the primary students got on and sat with me and they were making some really undesirable i told them to keep their voice down cuz Fifi and Zahira were of the boys was sitting next to Fifi and his bag kept hitting her shoulders so i told him to change his seat..then there was no one beside on the expressway,Fifi was asleep but she kept tilting to the left which was empty so i sort of poked her shoulder to wake her up and told her to face the side windows instead..she did and smiled.)

Okay!!i know what you people are thinking but you're WRONG!!Fifi used to be a classmate so i guess we're still friends..but i just can't figure out why a girl's smile would last longer in a guy's mind..but Girl 1's smile will always last the longest in MY mind..hee..'kay,thats the entry for today..see ya!

waters; 3:10 PM

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hey guys,today's the worst day in my entire life!(my second worst day actually)..

Firstly,my first period teacher didn't came cuz he got some other stuffs to our class didn't have to take his test-at least until tomorrow i think..haha..then we got some games that my female language teacher made with some other teachers that i don't care about..overall it was okay..until the third wave of misery came..third period after recess left me in total grief and solitude,i almost flunked my maths test..can't believe it..but at least i'll try to make up for it for the next..oh,and we've got a (CA1) on the 6th of march for all academic subjects..and (Girl 2) won't let me visit her till i've studied at least half of 'em..*sighs..(some people know who girl 2 and 1 if you know,just keep it to yourself..i dun want people to start some stupid gossips about me..)

The good part,i waved her(Girl 1) goodbye when she went down the stairs..and she waved back!The and speaking of her,last night i text-ed her..

Me: "Hey umm,are you free next saturday?"

Her: "MAYBE,why?"

Me: "Umm,wanna go out together?I mean,just the two of us?"

Her: "Sure!I'll inform you when i'm free 'kay?hmm,what should i wear?hehe.."

Me: "You look beautiful in anything,dear..and pink kinda looks good on you,hee..but i suck at choosing what to wear..choose for me?"

That's all..the rest is private!Secret!Ki-mi-tsu! after school was quite tough though..the trainees asked me to hold the punching bag cuz they were kicking it..then one of their foot reached my face..and i bled,just a little though..cuz i'm strong!haha..just kidding..there's something wrong with my little bros though..he didn't want me to send him home again..cuz he's going back with his cousin(who is our new classmate..),he's(the cousin) quite annoying,acting as if he's better..the way he's trying to be good is despicable-sorry for the harsh words..but i just have to withstand him,cuz that was an order for me by my sub-leader..jeez..aniwaes,i don't care about that anymore.Aniwaes,tution was cancelled today..seems like my tutor is having a meeting but it didnt end as i slept the whole night(i mean today),an hour and a half of sleep..Nubs was shocked when i woke up..she said "OMG!How did you suddenly become taller?",then i said,"training..500 skips a day.."

Umm,i got nothing right now,just waiting for her(Girl 1), to reply my message after her tution..
*Note:The time now is 10:18 PM.

That's all guys,thanks for reading..see ya!

waters; 2:22 PM

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Remade my blog after being stagnant for so long..haha..

I almost slept at physics today..can't believe it would be this boring..besides,i was half-past asleep the whole day..
I saw her again during recess..can't believe i would fall for her..she's amazing,when she looked at me,i feel as if i could just touch her face..i feel so close to her,eventhough we've never gone out together's as if i've known her for quite a while..but-other guys are after her too,i want her to be mine but i have to let her make her own choice..i'm just happy that i'm the one she confides to..even though i can't tell her everything about me,she understands me perfectly..and i would somehow spoil that moment together and end up being laughed at by her..i'm fine with it though,as long as she's happy..

"I Love You,Dear.And I will never let you suffer alone."That was all he wanted to hear from her,and so he waits..till the day those words would bind his heart along with hers..

It's kinda cool ey?If you love someone,set her free..and if she returns to you,set her free again..and if she returns to you once more,hold her tight and never let her go no matter what happens to you..

waters; 1:18 PM

Nur Muhammad;Nomad

16 years old.Male.


Mira El



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